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Common Misconceptions on Social Media Marketing Among Small Businesses
Social media marketing has gained popularity in the industry today. However, people have some misconceptions on this way of marketing. In addition, they underestimate its value and importance.
This article, clarifies your common misconceptions on social media marketing.
Myth – Meant for teenagers:
People have a misconception that Facebook and Twitter are meant for college students and young adults. However, in the current business scenario, it is not the case – everyone is included in these sites without being limited to any specific age group. Twitter users mainly include working professionals and white collar workers. According to the Pew Internet – 72% of online adults are social media users.
Myth – It is costless:
This is not true. You can create your business\’s profile in these sites at no cost. However, there are direct and indirect costs to manage your brand in these sites to perform functions either in-house or by outsourcing. You need to allocate some budget on creation of videos, graphics and other assets to enhance your social media profiles. You may also need to pay for sponsored ads on these sites.
Myth – Simple and easy:
Most small business owners think that social media marketing is simple and easy. However, this is not so. It is not possible to get fans in one day. You need to keep on making a lot of effort, spend time and resources in order to build relationship with your customers. In order to get better results, you need to have commitment and consistency in delivering the services.
Myth – Social media marketing is meant only for marketing:
It is not only meant for marketing, but you can also use it for customer service, recruitment, product development, market validation, competitive analysis and so on.
Myth – Delivers immediate results:
Many small business owners have a misconception that social media marketing delivers immediate results. However, you will not get instant results. It is an on-going process; it takes time for people to trust in you. So, be consistent in providing services and responding to their queries and interests.
Myth – Need to employ young employees:
Though this way of marketing is a new area, it does not mean you need to employ young employees. There is no rule to hire the people based on their age. You may hire young, middle age or mature employees. The only thing that matters is how good they are at marketing in general and social media marketing, in dealing with the negative comments of customers, in analyzing and interpreting the data and so on.
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